Digimon Story Lost Evolution English Patch 2012 Election
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution Walkthrough and GuideWelcome to the where our team of contributors will help you work through the game via a step-by-step tutorial. A Gamewise walkthrough aims to take you all the way through the game to 100% completion including unlockable quests and items.If you are stuck on something specific and are unable to find any answers in our Digimon Story: Lost Evolution Walkthrough then be sure to ask the for help and advice in the discussion box below and they will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer!Finally, if you have been playing Digimon Story: Lost Evolution and wish to help other users, feel free to sign up and start contributing! Digimon Story: Lost Evolution OverviewDigimon Story: Lost Evolution is a role-playing game developed by and released on.
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Nero burning rom.download keygen password generator for now. Digimon Story Lost Evolution English Patch 2012 Presidential Election. – You’ll become a landlord in Decode and you can collect rent from Digimon while expanding your Mansion. – While Re:Digitize could be comfortably cleared within 10-12 hours, Decodes Main Story takes at least 20-25 hours! (In comparison Next Order’s story takes 8 hours tops) – You can visit unique areas in Decode, like the Dark Area!
. Japanese:. English:are among the residents of who help out the. One in particular helps out when under the orders of of the attempt to harm by hiding dynamite among the batches of offered to him. It tries to detonate the bombs prematurely, but it can't fire fast enough, so takes some of the slack. Syakomon also acts with the rest of the Fusion Fighters in distracting so that can get the. Syakomon calls its allies to act as stepping stones so that the Fusion Fighters can reach Neptunemon while he is still confused by 's 'Perfect Storm' and says farewell when they leave.
Syakomon is among the Digimon recalls when discussing the Digital World before its sundering. During the battle with in the, Syakomon is among the many Digimon Mikey summons from the to form.Attacks.
Black Pearls ( Black Pearl): Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Drill ( Water Screw): Spits out a twisting column of water.Shakkoumon.

English:is a mysterious resident of the, an observer of the area who saves 's life and gives a cryptic warning about the Sky Zone. While showing the around the Zone, reveals that there are rumors that Shakkoumon is a spy.
Shakkoumon later shows up to officiate Lucemon's inauguration, and attacks, thinking him at first to be there to interfere as a spy, but reveals that he is the commissioner of the election, tasked with making sure that the candidates are good-hearted as well as the only one able to bestow the presidential armband. Unfortunately, it seems he failed as his job, as Lucemon turns out to be a part of the. Nonetheless, Shakkoumon helps the Fusion Fighters take down Lucemon and then teleport them to where is attempting to harness the Phantom Mist. After Lucemon attempts to take the Phantom Mist for himself and mutates into a mindless form, Shakkoumon attempts to carry the flightless to the flying Lucemon but is unable to take his weight. He is taken out of the fight when Lucemon attacks them and only recovers once the Fusion Fighters win.

For their help, Shakkoumon then bequeaths the Zone's to Mikey. During the battle with in the, Shakkoumon is among the many Digimon Mikey summons from the to form.Attacks. Sight Strike ( 荒御魂, lit. 'Rough Spirit'): Radiates red laser beams from his eyes that can reach 100000° at their focal point.Stingmon and Lilamon.
Japanese: (Stingmon), (Lilamon). English: (Stingmon), (Lilamon)and are a loving couple who serve as protectors of the, specifically guarding the containing and the Zone's. Stingmon is stoic and prideful, only breaking character when around his love, who can cut through his emotional defenses. Lilamon is just as competent, but she lowers her guard around those who she believes are in love.When the 's begins incursions in the Zone, Stingmon alone is more than a match for all incomers. The situation changes when the three Generals of the, and all appear in his Zone simultaneously, leading the Bagra Army to invest more resources in its attack. Stingmon attacks, and while they wander the Forest Zone for intruding in the Zone's sanctuary, only for Lilamon to step in, as she believes Jeremy and Angie to be in love.
Digimon Story Lost Evolution Rom
They bring the noncombatants to the Hidden Sanctuary for protection, while Stingmon organizes patrols. They are unable to fend off the combined forces of Blue Flare and Midnight, who are seeking the Zone's Guardian. As Stingmon lays dying, Deckerdramon decides it is not his time and brings him into the Sanctuary to heal.
Of Midnight uses this opportunity to infiltrate the Sanctuary as well.Lilamon reveals that to gain entrance to the Sanctuary, one must perform the Dance of True Heart to show Deckerdramon the strength of their heart. She gathers the Jungle Zone residents to watch as Jeremy and Angie perform the dance, and she stays behind to fend off the Bagra Army. Within the Sanctuary, Stingmon is fully healed by Deckerdramon, who also bequeaths onto him the position of the Zone's Guardian when he decides to join Blue Flare due to the strength of 's heart. With the Bagra Army in retreat and all other teams on their way out, the couple bid a happy farewell to the Fusion Fighters.After the Digital World is reformatted by, Stingmon and Lilamon end up in, where they attempt to form a resistance. Stingmon is left weak as his energy is continually drained by the under. Lilamon is attacked by the Honeybeemon by the time arrives saves her with 's help. They help in the planning against Zamielmon but do not participate in the final, successful assault.
When Zamielmon is defeated, Stingmon and Lilamon remain behind to protect Honey Land's inhabitants, now joined by.During the battle with in the, Lilamon and Stingmon are among the many Digimon Mikey summons from the to form. 'Spadamon (Fusion)' redirects here. For the Spadamon who appears in the Digimon Xros Wars manga, see. For the Spadamon who appears in Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars, see. Japanese:. English:is a citizen of the and friend of who barely manages to escape the 's invasion of the Zone while in search of the now legendary.
He lands in the where he is saved in a fit of serendipity. He enlists their help in freeing his Zone from the Bagra Army.In the Sweet Zone, he aids in her bake-off against. When the fight turns into a physical altercation, Spadamon sees unable to keep up with GigaWaruMonzaemon's dual-wielding tactics. He offers himself for a, forming the dual-wielding, who defeats GigaWaruMonzaemon. With relief, Spadamon greets his freed friend Coronamon. The two are then separated again by, who drops Spadamon with the Fusion Fighters into the Zone's depths. There, Spadamon witnesses the horrors perpetuated by Matadormon and informs Mikey of the threat poses.
While distracts it and Matadormon, Spadamon is able to use the Star Sword DX to free from their prison on Breakdramon, while gives Shoutmon X5 the opportunity to let loose. Spadamon witness the defeat of those who conquered his Zone and then sees the Fusion Fighters off on their next adventure.After the Digital World is reformatted by, Spadamon later shows up at, with Coronamon and, under the control of Olegmon's spell. After Olegmon's defeat, the trio takes over his ship and decides to use it to help the other Digimon of. During the battle with in the, Spadamon is among the many Digimon Mikey summons from the to form.Attacks. Blade Blender ( Blue Brave): Slices cleanly with its blade shining blue.Lopmon. Japanese: (Lopmon), (Chocomon).
English: (Lopmon), (Chocomon)is a citizen of. He is the latest of the s to digivolve. Rather than be captured by the like every other Lopmon before him, this Lopmon opts to leave the safety of. He meets the newly formed just as his village is attacked.
Lopmon then participates in the assault on, eventually being the one to blow up the barrier generator that protects it. Lopmon then watches in horror as the of Vampire Land, absorbs. NeoMyotismon then reveals what he did with the Lopmons that were brought to him. He absorbed them into himself, their power now fuel for his potent regeneration. Lopmon's anger causes his to glow white and attack NeoMyotismon, which strikes a visceral fear into him.
NeoMyotismon's reaction allows the United Army to escape, and they hear the legend of the white Lopmon, said to have immeasurable power. The United Army heads to the, which NeoMyotismon confronts them. Allows himself to be absorbed into NeoMyotismon, while Lopmon hijacks the absorption as well. Within the gestalt, Lopmon asks that MetalGreymon not give up. He and the other Lopmons combine their power to form the white Lopmon, who then gives his life to give the two the power to perform into. With the loss of Lopmons and their new strength, Shoutmon DX is able to defeat NeoMyotismon.

Lopmon is later revived by the power of the in Mikey's possession during the final battle with, and helps to form.Attacks As Lopmon. Imploding Ice ( Blazing Ice): Spits out shots of supercooled air. Lopnado ( Petit Twister): Generates a tiny tornado by spinning his ears like a propeller.Ignitemon. Japanese:. English:is a citizen of who was originally a part of the.
He joined because he saw them as the winning side, bringing him into conflict with his sister, a member of the resistance. He is used by as both a means to paralyze his targets so his Honeybeemon can drain them of their energy to produce DigiHoney and as a countermeasure against opponents.
Ignitemon comes into conflict with the several times. Zamielmon takes sadistic pleasure in watching him fight his sister, eventually forcing him to mount. Then personally intervenes to stop the siblings's fight, snatching him off and then verbally smacking him down. Mervamon then joins forces with Nene to defeat GrandisKuwagamon, and in the aftermath, Ignitemon officially defects from the army. Ignite reveals what he believes to be the secret to Zamielmon's power: his consumption of DigiHoney. As the Fusion Fighters distract Zamielmon, Ignitemon leads Christopher to the DigiHoney stores, which they then destroy. Zamielmon then reveals that while the DigiHoney made him smaller, his large size retains all of the same speed and power.
It also makes him a bigger target, which Mikey exploits to defeat him. While his sister officially joins the Fusion Fighters United Army, Ignitemon remains behind in Honey Land to protect it alongside. During the battle against, Ignitemon heeds 's call as the owner of the and helps to form.Attacks. Crushing Sound Waves: Spins his chakrams to generate paralyzing waves.Antagonists SlushAngemon.
Japanese:. English:serves as the head of the 's as well as the Zone's president. He runs the Sky Zone as a draconian state, where even being accused of the smallest infraction results in the defendant's execution by having their data stripped by electromagnetic waves, which he demonstrates on a when the Fusion Fighters first arrive in the Zone. He is opposed by in the next presidential electron.
When the Fusion Fighters break out of prison, SlushAngemon personally apprehends them and sets them up for execution. He is defeated by after a fierce battle but has his life spared under Mikey's orders. With this, the give their overwhelming support to Lucemon in his candidacy. SlushAngemon concedes his position as president to Lucemon, with the commissioner transferring the presidential armband. Unfortunately, Lucemon is a member of the and uses his position to seize the, unleashing the corrupting Phantom Mist which was sealed by the Code Crown. SlushAngemon recognizes this power as what drove him to form a draconian state. When all is said and done after the Fusion Fighters drive out the Bagra Army, SlushAngemon watches on as Shakkoumon bequeaths the Code Crown to the Fusion Fighters.Attacks.
Blade of the True ( Holy Espada,: Holy Sword): Slashes with a cross-shaped energy blast.Sky Zone's Patrol Force. Japanese: (Gargomon), (Picklemon 1). English: (Gargoylemon), (Pegasusmon)Sky Zone's Patrol Force ( ヘブンゾーン天使警察, Hebun Zōn Tenshi Keisatsu, lit. 'Heaven Zone's Angel Police') is the police of and are led.
Is its Sergeant and second-highest member. He is prone to jumping to conclusions, while its members have an intense dislike for any disruption. Despite their draconian measures, it is also because of them that the Bagra Army has not subjugated the Zone. On the other hand, Gargoylemon is able to punish when he stands up to the patrol force and arrest for a crime with minimal evidence, while the police force itself stonewalls any attempts to see the accused. Gargoylemon and the Patrol Force support their leader the entire way, only stopping their fanatical mission when SlushAngemon cedes the position of president to Lucemon. The Patrol Force's members are affected by the corrupting Phantom Mist but are released along with the when the mist is dispersed.
They are in the audience and watch on when bequeaths the Code Crown to Mikey for ridding them of the Bagra Army infiltrator, Lucemon. During the battle with in the, Pegasusmon is among the many Digimon Mikey summons from the to form.Gargoylemon appears again in a flashback, where he and a group of Piximon were chasing after several criminals. He and his group are unintentionally beaten up by.Attacks. Statue Storm ( White Statue): Creates white statues to launch at the enemy.Members.: Officers who attack with the super-powerful 'Pixie Blast' ( Bit Bomb) packed with computer viruses.: Officers capable of firing charged 'Hail of Horns' ( Holy Shot) from their mouths.: Officers capable of shooting a cluster of stars with 'Star Shower' ( Shooting Star) from its wings. Japanese: (GrandLocomon), (Hagurumon). English: (Grandlocomon), (Hagurumon)is a tyrant in the, and is completely brutal and callous to his subjects. With his minion, he has been forcing the natives of the Dust Zone to bring him scrap metals in exchange for oil and food.
Steals Mikey's and brings it to Grandlocomon in order to trade for his freedom, but Grandlocomon merely smashes through him and the surrounding Trailmon in his rush to use the Fusion Loader; his own goal is to escape the Dust Zone itself heedless of the Zone's residents. Hagurumon places the Fusion Loader into a panel on Grandlocomon, and Grandlocomon begins traveling as fast as he can, even plowing straight through a town, in order to gather enough speed to open a portal between Zones.
Puppetmon manages to hold onto Grandlocomon as he drives away, and the team up with 's crew to catch up to the runaway tyrant. While the Fusion Fighters Digimon delay Grandlocomon by slowing him down with their own bodies, Puppetmon destroys Hagurumon, allowing Mikey to retrieve the Fusion Loader. Mikey immediately, who swiftly ends Grandlocomon's ambitions and his life.Attacks. Wrecking Ball ( Destroyed Crash): Crashes into the opponent with its spiked wheel at speed.Subordinates.: A Digimon composed of gears. He acts as Grandlocomon's hands when his own massive frame is unable to perform smaller tasks. Grandlocomon trusts him implicitly and the trust is reciprocated, as Hagurumon is the only other Digimon who Grandlocomon is willing to bring with him in his escape attempt. Hagurumon defends the from the Fusion Fighters who attempt to retrieve it, only to be killed.