Free Download Saitek X52 Pro Profile Programs Like Limewire
This is called the Profile Launcher and looks like this: Right-click on the controller icon (this could be a joystick. Please note that this example uses the X52 Pro controller but the procedure for programming every Saitek. ProgramsSaitek SD6 Programming SoftwareProfile Editor. Using the Saitek Smart Technology software to map a Saitek joystick or HOTAS for Star Citizen. This is how I map my Saitek x52. Smart Technology Download: ht.

If you set up a profile before you can ignore this paragraph. If you have not, do not be intimidated by it! It'll be a little frustrating for a minute but you'll get the hang of it.First lets assume you do not have the rudder set up. You need to open the software, in windows 8.1 it's under Smart Technology on the app page listed as 'Profile Editor'. Open that guy up and select X52 Pro flight control system. You'll see a nice image of your HOTAS with three choices at the top. You are going to click on 'programming'.
Now you see a list of all the controls with an image of the X52 pro to the left.At any point you may click any button, twist any axis, or move any slider/dial and the program will immediatly highlight which one you are touching. This is nice when you are still getting familiar with the controls. Simply left click on any button box and it will begin recording what the input for the button will be designated as, remember, hitting 'enter' or 'backspace' will record those inputs. You need to click the little box with the check mark on it to save it.If you need more help you can find tutorials on youtube pretty easily for the program or feel free to send me a message. Ok, now I'm going to list what I have keyed every single button to on my profile.
This should take around ten to twenty minutes to input. After it is finished make sure to save the profile and load it into the x52's program. (simply click the up facing arrow in the bottom right of the windows 8 screen, left click on the saitek x52 pro image and select the profile you have made to load it)IMPORTANT: This configuration uses the 'clutch' button. To enable that you must left click on the saitek x52 app image where you would load the profile and go into it's control panel. There are a lot of neat things there like light controls but ignore all that and click on the MFD tab and uncheck the box labled 'Enable Clutch Mode'. I know, it sounds like the opposite of what it's doing, welcome to the X52 Pro.Mode 1 (this is an easy set up and we will only be working with mode 1 and without the pinky shift command, if you do not know what I'm talking about then you don't have to worry about what I just said)Trigger - Right click. One little addition I think might be useful: when making bands for any axis you can add one or more steps to each direction and simulate the finer control in the inner bands by right-clicking it and setting up a New Advanced Command with timed key presses.
Example:Setting up a move key:On 'Press' set a key with 0.1s release timeOn 'Repeat' set the same key with 0.1s delay and 0.1s release time(This example results in a very slow turn/roll)The higher the delay/release-time ratio, the finer the control, because the key is pressed for a lesser amount of time.
I purchased the Saitek X52 joystick, and I'm not sure exactly how to calibrate it. I've have the latest drivers, and used the included software to 'Calibrate', but to tell you the truth, it appears that it is calibrated already.My problem is (I'm using FSX by the way) that when I take off, I need to pull back quite a bit on the yoke to pitch up and take off.

Once I get off the ground a bit, I let the joystick back to its neutral (center) position and the plane wants to do a direct dive-bomb. I figure that somehow I can do straight and level flight (with a bit of trim) when the stick is in its neutral position, but the way it's calibrated right now, I need way too much trim to keep it level.Can someone please explain to me what I need to correct this behavior? I've read several posts that say 'You need to calibrate', but the calibration screen looks correct to me. When I pull down, the calibration screen shows it all the way down, when I push forward, the calibration screen shows it all the way towards the top. When I center the joystick, the calibration screen shows that it's dead center. Same with left and right.I think maybe that it might have something to do with the dead-zones in FSX setup, but I don't understand this concept.
Saitek X52 Pro Review
I've tried playing around with it for a little bit, but couldn't figure it out.Can someone give me some details that would help me out?Thanks in advance!Fox. From what you describe I don't think you are having a calibration problem.
It is normal to have to use quite a bit of up elevator to take off and after take off you should relax the stick a bit to maintain your rate of climb, but do not return the stick to neutral until the plane had gained flying speed or it will lose altitude. As the plane continues to gain speed continue to relax the stick to maintain your rate of climb until you do have the stick back to neutral. This assumes you have the plane in takeoff trim.Once you have reached altitude and cruising speed you will have to trim for level flight and that does take considerable trim, again that is normal.
Once trimmed for level flight it should take only minor adjustments to maintain level flight.Oh, I do have the X-52. WarHawk,Thanks for the reply. I haven't used a stick before with FS, so thanks for giving me that insight. When flying the Cessna, in order to take off, I need to pull back entirely on the stick.
Even the slightest relax of the stick seems to pitch the nose below the horizon. If the stick goes back to neutral, even 140 mph, it seems that the plane wants to do a dive-bomb.Would this be normal behavior?If I wanted to calibrate the joystick to give me more lift when pulling back, how would I do that? Gauss horns drivers 2080 2.
Do I use my calibration software, or is their a setting in FSX that would be better for me to try?Thanks again,Fox. No, that isn't normal behavior.OK, I see you are flying the Cessna 172, look at your trim setting before you start your take off. It should be at the point marked 'TO' (for Take Off).
It sounds like you have a bunch of down trim in it at take off.At that setting the plane should climb at or close to the desired rate of climb once speed has built up. Once at level flight with the stick in neutral it should continue to climb and need to be trimmed for normal flight as I described in the previous post. Thanks again WarHawk,I did as you said.
And the trim is at TO.When using the keyboard, I can take off gradually at around 65 mph or so.When using the stick, I have to apply full back on the stick for it to climb. Same characteristics happen as I stated in my earlier post.I will keep playing with the stick calibration controls to see if I can make a difference. FSX has settings you can control for deadzones. I can't find documentation to tell me what that means. I've tried messing around with them and I've only been able to amplify the problem, not make it better.Thanks for your help. If you have any other ideas, I'd be glad to try them.Thanks!
Your problem is your registry.I had this problem and it took some time to figure it wasn't anything I could have fixed easily. The following is an excerpt from a Saitek email.In some cases, the calibration for the controller may be off. This may be an issue with a corrupted initial calibration of the controller. The following instructions involve changes to the Windows Registry.
The registry is a very sensitive part of Windows and removing or editing the wrong value can cause a multitude of problems. See about making a backup of the registry before proceeding. In case you screw up! Do the following at your own risk! But this worked for me and within ten minutes my x52 was working. Click Start, and Run.
I stopped flying FSX (and FS2004) because on-line play seems to currupt the calibrations. After that, it stays corrupted even playing off line. I use an old MS FFB Pro gameport.
But my brother has the Saitek, and the same started to happen to him. If you go to external view and see the control surfaces hard against thier stops, and occassionally flipping back and forth, we have the same problem. MS suggests not using any joystick 'manager,' but I don't even have one loaded. I calibrate it, and all looks good.
Then, I calibrate it from within the game, and it spikes all over the place. I play IL2 as well, and the joystick never gives me a problem.No help, I know, but you're not alone. I've NEVER managed to get my SAitek x52 (stick and pedals) + FSX combination to trim properly. I've been using the Cessna 152 from JustFlight and the generic C172, because these are the two aircraft I fly in the real world. Neither can be trimmed easily for straight and level, although I can eventually get the 152 level at about 3,000 ft and 85kts with the trim wound absolutely fully nose down, a configuration that would have you diving like a Stukka in the real world. To make matters worse, the plane is very prone to going into vertical oscilations, even when completely hands off. This last effect is even more pronounced on the 172, making it virtually unflyable.So - I tried to solve the problem by dounloading all the new drivers for the X52, only to discover I then needed to build a new profile because the old.dat profile files no longer work with the new drivers.
And then the problem just got worse and worse.